KDOT hosted an open house-style public meeting to discuss proposed plans to expand U.S. 50 to four lanes from the east city limits of Dodge City (Avenue P) east to the U.S. 283 East Junction.
The meeting was held on Thursday, Jan. 18, at 443 Public Admin Building, 2112 1st Ave., Dodge City, KS 67801. The public was welcome to stop by anytime between 5 and 7 p.m. to view information and speak with project staff. No formal presentations was be made. The public was invited to submit comments from Jan. 18 to Feb. 1 thru an online comment form.
About the Project
U.S. 50 is a major east-west route in Kansas. KDOT is considering the possibility of expanding U.S. 50 to four lanes from the east city limits of Dodge City (Avenue P) east to the U.S. 283 East Junction. This portion of the highway is a transportation artery for Dodge City and the surrounding areas, primarily used for residential and commercial access. The goal of this study is to explore potential solutions for enhancing safety and improving operations at both U.S. 50 / U.S. 283 junctions.