Kansas Department Of Transportation
Home MenuRoadway Safety
KDOT is committed to safety on our roadways and bridges for the state’s expansive transportation system — the 4th largest public highway and local road system in the nation.
Through extensive research, collaboration and engagement, KDOT identifies, prioritizes and funds projects and programs to deliver transportation that keeps Kansans moving forward.
In the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), KDOT prioritizes strategies that address the greatest safety needs across the state and supports the mission of the Drive to Zero Coalition. This process informs the Highway Safety Improvement Program, the Highway Safety Plan, as well as numerous state-funded safety set-aside programs.
KDOT uses the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) to fund multiple independently managed programs that apply a multitude of proven safety countermeasures to modernize roadway infrastructure, with the goal of reducing fatal and serious injury crashes statewide.
KDOT uses the Highway Safety Plan (HSP) to fund multiple independently managed programs that apply a multitude of proven safety countermeasures in education, enforcement, emergency response, and traffic records enhancements, with the goal of reducing fatal and serious injury crashes statewide.
KDOT engages Kansas communities in the Local Consult public engagement process to understand regional priorities for major roadway expansion or modernization improvements.