Kansas Department Of Transportation
Home MenuInnovative Technology
The Bureau of Innovative Technology was established to foster creative problem solving and continuous improvement by providing a focus within KDOT on researching and implementing the advanced tools, technology and processes necessary to provide the State of Kansas with a safe, reliable, innovative statewide transportation system that works for all Kansans today and in the future. Efforts include:
- Innovative Technology Program: Provides financial assistance to partners for innovative transportation-related projects that promote safety, improve access or mobility and implement new transportation technology that does not currently exist in the local community of the project.
- Innovative Connected Technologies (ICT) Set-aside: The Innovative Connected Technologies Program currently focuses on the installation of conduit and fiber within KDOT right-of-way which will serve as the backbone for intelligent transportation systems and future innovative transportation solutions. Once policies are developed, available ducts within this conduit could be utilized by providers as a “middle-mile network” to provide broadband services to areas of Kansas that are currently unserved or underserved.
- Broadband Infrastructure Construction Grant Fund / Kansas Broadband Acceleration Grants: The Bureau of Innovative Technologies partners with the Kansas Department of Commerce on grants to accelerate the installation of broadband to provide services to unserved and underserved areas of Kansas and achieve broadband equity in the State.
- Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: The evolution and deployment of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) and the infrastructure to support these vehicles will transform the safety, economic and personal mobility opportunities that Kansas residents, businesses and visitors experience. The ability to leverage these opportunities requires a statewide CAV vision and framework in place for agencies and stakeholders to maximize CAV deployments and realize benefits for Kansas travelers.