Kansas Department Of Transportation
Home MenuInnovative Technology Program
The Innovative Technology Program provides financial assistance to partners for innovative transportation-related projects that promote safety, improve access or mobility and implement new transportation technology that does not currently exist in the local community of the project.
Eligible Projects
Projects must address important transportation needs such as safety, access, mobility, and new technology implementation. Eligible projects include:
- Roadway (on and off the state system)
- Rail
- Aviation
- Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
- Bicycle/pedestrian
- Public transit
- Software and technology infrastructure
Projects should provide transportation benefits and not be eligible for other KDOT programs. Additional consideration for projects supporting economic growth, business retention/recruitment, or adding value to KDOT projects. Funds should be used for technology investments, not road construction or common technologies like fiber optic lines.
- $2 million available per fiscal year
- Maximum of $1 million per project
- Funds are for reimbursement only
Match requirements
- A minimum of 25% non-state cash match is required.
- Non-cash local matches will not be considered.
How to Apply
- A Project Concept Form must be submitted prior to an application.
- Once KDOT has reviewed the concept, an application will be sent.
- All KDOT Innovative Technology Program applications and attachments must be submitted as a single PDF document via email to InnovTechProgram@ks.gov.
If no confirmation is received from KDOT within two business days, please email or call the contact listed below.