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K-254 corridor management planning to advance

Post Date:04/01/2022

The Kansas Department of Transportation has joined with local partners to move forward with extensive planning of transportation improvements along the K-254 corridor between Wichita and El Dorado. A key goal is to improve safety.

KDOT and the partners -- Butler County, Sedgwick County and the cities of Bel Aire, Benton, El Dorado, Kechi, Park City, Towanda and Wichita – are now seeking a consultant to lead the planning. KDOT expects to begin the planning process late this summer. The planning is expected to take 12 to 15 months.

"This management plan has been the top priority of our members for the last few years. We are all thankful to KDOT for partnering with us,” said Butler County Commissioner Kelly Herzet, also president of the K-254 Corridor Development Association.

Background: K-254, currently a four-lane expressway, is already a key transportation route between Wichita and El Dorado. The highway also runs along a corridor with significant growth potential, a corridor that is open for business.

Partners: KDOT and the nine local partners working together reflects that the planning and improvements affect multiple jurisdictions.

What the plan will be/how it will work: A corridor management plan is often led by a consultant, as part of a multidisciplinary team. The planning will look at a variety of factors along the corridor that affect transportation needs, including land use, development impact, future capacity needs, market research and economic forecasting. That data will help guide engineering analyses leading to comprehensive transportation improvements. The plans will be aimed at the top transportation priorities – traffic safety and efficient traffic flow as part of economic development. There have been severe accidents at intersections along K-254, and the corridor management plan is the next step in addressing safety improvements.

Input: Key to the corridor management plan is gaining input from the public and stakeholders.

This information can be made available in alternative accessible formats upon request. For information about obtaining an alternative format, contact the KDOT Communications Division, 700 SW Harrison St., 2nd Fl West, Topeka, KS 66603-3754 or phone 785-296-3585 (Voice)/Hearing Impaired – 711.

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